Table of Contents

It’s clear by now that COVID-19 is having a significant impact on content marketing in Spokane and other communities across the globe.

One thing we know for sure is that all businesses large and small are having to pivot their marketing strategies and unfortunately adjusting to realities like canceled events, smaller budgets, and the inability to collaborate in person for the foreseeable future.

This won’t be a one-stop-shop to fix all these problems but salvaging the parts that are worth the investment.

Examine Your pre-planned marketing content

It’s absolutely essential that you go through any content or outreach you had scheduled. If you are like us you have been pre-planning content weeks and months ahead. Some of your social postings may come off as irrelevant or at the worst, disrespectful.

Absolutely do not try to force content … it’s time to step back to assess and possibly eliminate some of it.

Content Assessment

  • What is left?
  • Does my strategy still stand?
  • What gaps do I need to fill?
  • Can I repurpose any of it?
  • How can I still deliver value to my audience without disrespecting the reality of COVID-19?

Adjustment of Strategy

After filtering through your content assessment you should know what will still work and what may need to be altered. Keep in mind that certain channels are going to see a higher engagement right now. Billboards and Out-of-Home advertising may not be the best use of your limited marketing budget. But digital and TV are seeing higher engagement right now.

If any of your content needs to be retooled, now is the time to do it. Think about what your takeaways were supposed to be and see if you can deliver the same value with a new piece of content that will resonate more directly with today’s environment.

Time to Test

Right now is a great time to experiment with new content marketing tactics that you may have not tried in the past. Because so many businesses are working remotely and spending more time in front of their screens you have a captive audience to work with.

Maybe you can try your hand at live-streaming, develop an informative infographic, or explore other social channels.

We are now in uncharted territory when it comes to marketing, you are free to try something and even fail at it. It’s no big deal! Even within failure, you gain valuable information about your audience and it’s needed. And in the end, your content will be stronger.

At CutBoard we are now limited to what we can do in our respective homes. No new on-location shooting is always a bummer, especially when the weather is just now getting nicer. But we know at the end of this we will be better prepared to help your business grow.

Want to Work Video Into Your post-COVID-19 Content Marketing Plan?

CutBoard is up and running with modified video approaches that don’t require on-set or on-location production like animation or post-only content. But we have new guidelines to follow for all new in-person video production.

Is your content marketing budget still tight? Don’t worry. We have the time to work with you to keep your business’s marketing going in this post-COVID-19 era.

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